At UooLike, we believe in equality and freedom of expression. We went down to film this event on Nakba Day to find out what Nakba is and about its significance individually and globally for Palestinians. The two day festival of cultural affirmation marked the anniversary of Nakba. The event was hosted by Uthink PDP charity in association with organisers Ashaam at the Riverside Building in
Hammersmith London.
An exhibition of all things Palestinian, the event was successful in raising awareness for Palestine and its people through talks, debates and exhibitions of traditional Palestinian clothing, art, embroidery, jewellery, literature, food and art.
Palestine On The Thames: Nakba In My Present hosted a range of speakers. Check out our video below to hear comments from important figures such as the Palestinian Diplomat Professor Manuel Hassassian and Labour MP for Hammersmith Andy Slaughter.
Look out for more Uthink events that we will be documenting in the future.